"untitled 2018"
“untitled 2018” is an investigation into the life and work of artist Donald Judd. Judd’s work explored a rigorous dependence on context and its role in the placement of objects. He explored this through the dichotomy of two distinctive American landscapes, both In Soho and the West Texas desert town of Marfa. This high rise program contains an annex to the Judd foundation at 101 spring street, as well as luxury apartments. The site sits directly across the street from the existing foundation, providing an interesting challenge of addressing context, much like Judd’s work.
The design for this high rise draws from the Judd’s idea of the frame and the permanence of objects. The elements of the high rise program are turned into objects that begin to interact with one another. The essential object is the core, the backbone of the high rise that contains all necessary elements of proper building function this core volume mirrors the core of the Judd foundation and borders the party wall condition of the site. The gallery volume sits at street level and matches the same height as the Judd foundation and has the same number of floors spaced evenly. The residential volumes rise above the neighboring buildings and create a new neighborhood context. The Fibonacci patterned windows increase in height in double height living spaces.
New York, New York
Fall 2018
Programs Used
V Ray for Rhino
Gerard Damiani
Carnegie Mellon University
M.Arch 2019
The typical high rise facade is treated more as a rectangular frame than a three dimensional object. The deriving of this object comes from an analysis into the nearest context, the original Judd foundation at 101 Spring Street. Using the base grid of the facade structure, along with the asymmetrical features of the facade such as the fire escape and asymmetrical pediments, a hierarchy of extrusions and mullions was created. The resulting facade is a more dynamic expression of the Soho high-rise typology.
Permanent objects from 101 Spring Street influence floor plans of new gallery.
Fourth Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor
Fifth Floor